About me
My name is Alejandro Jasdeep, I am here to bring peace of mind and strength of body to Boston’s underserved working families by offering physically and financially accessible yoga.
I am the founder of Know One’s Body LLC.
After working three years as a high school teacher in BPS, I am now uniquely equipped to help hard working families overcome their day to day stresses.
My three years at BPS took me to 60-hour weeks, consuming 3 to 4 cups of coffee a day. I developed lower back pain and neck pain, I would react poorly to suggestions or criticism, receiving them as personal attacks. The experience caused me to leave Boston Public, in search of peace of mind.
In that search, I found yoga. When I was completing my 200 hours RYT training, I learned to listen to my body, be responsible with the mind, and how to use one’s breath to its full potential.
I want to share what I have learned with parents, families, hard working adults who might not have the chance to reconnect with themselves, and Boston families deserve the chance to de-stress, take account, and reconnect with themselves.